6-24S 150A Smart BMS User Manual

Table of Contents

1.Cell Sampling Wire Connection

2.NTC Thermistor Connection

3.Cell Main Positive and Negative Connection Method

4.Load Terminal Connection Method

5.Charger Connection Procedure

6.CAN Bus Connection Method

7.OLED Display Connection Method

8.Button Connection Method

9.UART Connection Method

10.BMS Normal Operation

11.BMS Fault Codes


1. Cell Sampling Wire Connection

First, insert the cell wiring in sequence, paying attention to the order and ensuring not to mix up the positive and negative connections. Among these, B0 is the total negative terminal of the cell, and B24 is the total positive terminal of the cell.

2.NTC Thermistor Connection

Connect the Thermistors (NTC) to the BMS. The system supports up to 10 NTCs, which can be configured according to your needs. Pay attention to the socket sequence, which corresponds to T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, and T10.

3.Cell Main Positive and Negative Connection Method

Connect the main positive and negative terminals of the battery cells. B+ is the main positive terminal of the battery cells, and B- is the main negative terminal. Make sure not to connect them in reverse.

4.Load Terminal Connection Method

Connect the load positive and negative terminals. P+ is the load positive terminal, and P- is the load negative terminal. Make sure not to connect them in reverse.

5.Charger Connection Procedure

Connect the charger by attaching P- to the charger's negative terminal and C+ to the charger's positive terminal. Make sure not to connect them in reverse.

6.CAN Bus Connection Method

electronic speed controller (ESC). To connect the CAN port to the VESC, use a 5P 1.25mm cable. The interface signals from top to bottom are: GND, H, L, NC, EN. If there is no requirement, the connection can be omitted.



External 5V for CAN













7.OLED Display Connection Method

The OLED interface is used to connect the display, which can show information such as voltage, current, and other relevant data.






No connect



SDA signal output for OLED display



SCL signal output for OLED display




8.Button Connection Method

The button is primarily used for turning the BMS on and off. It can also be omitted if not needed, as the BMS can automatically turn on when charging and turn off when fully charged.

Power Button





Normally open pin for power button



No connect +3.3V



 +3.3V for LED (optional)




9.UART Connection Method

The UART interface is used for serial communication, primarily for connecting to PC BMS-Tool software and mobile Bluetooth applications.



 3.3V Power




 TX Single


RX Single



10.BMS Normal Operation

When the BMS is plugged into a power source and all connections are correct, the OLED screen will automatically enter the SOC display interface, indicating normal operation.

11.BMS Fault Codes

In cases of wiring errors or incorrect parameter settings, the OLED will display corresponding error messages. You can troubleshoot the issues based on the error codes provided

Fault Code_None = 0,
Fault Code_Pack Over Voltage=1
Fault Code_Pack Under Voltage=2
Fault Code_Load Over Voltage=3
Fault Code_Load Under Voltage=4
Fault Code_Charger Over Voltage=5
Fault Code_Charger Under Voltage=6
Fault Code_Cell Hard Over Voltage=7
Fault Code_Cell Hard Under Voltage=8
Fault Code_Cell Soft Over Voltage= 9
Fault Code_Cell Soft Under Voltage=10
Fault Code_Cell Quantity Errors=11
Fault Code_Max Uvt Ovt Errors=12
Fault Code_Over Current=13
Fault Code_Over Temp BMS=14
Fault Code_Under Temp BMS=15
Fault Code_Discharge Over Temp Cells=16
Fault Code_Discgarge Under Temp Cells=17
Fault Code_Charge Over Temp Cells=18
Fault Code_Charge Under Temp Cells=19
Fault Code_Precharge TimeOut=20
Fault Code_Discharge Retry=21
Fault Code_Charge Retry=22
Fault Code_CAN Delayed Power Down=23
Fault Code_Not Used TimeOut=24
Fault Code_Charge Disonnect= 25


VESC-TOOL Setting up BMS Tutorial


BlueTooth APP User Manual ( V1.0 )

1、Bluetooth connection

1>Click Bluetooth

2>Select the corresponding Bluetooth device in the Bluetooth list. After the connection is successful, it will display Connected.

3>Return to the home page, the Bluetooth icon changes to connected status

2Homepage introduction

1>A green dot will be displayed in the upper right corner if the Bluetooth connection is successful, and a red dot will be displayed if it is not connected.

2>The circle shows the battery level

3> Battery Status next to the battery level

4> Display Main Parameters on white area

3Cell display page

1>The CELL page displays the voltage of the battery cells in sequence. The actual display count is determined by the number of series cells set in the BMS.

4Temperature display page

1>The temperature page displays the temperatures detected by the BMS temperature probes. The actual number of displayed temperatures corresponds to the number of temperature sensors installed in the BMS.


5System parameter viewing page



6CELL page setting instructions

  • Cells in series: Number Of Cells in Series Used by the Battery Management System, Connecting cells in series increases the overall voltage of the battery pack.

  • Cells in parallel:Number Of Cells in Parallel per String,Connecting cells in parallel increases the capacity of the battery pack without changing the overall voltage.

  • Parallel modules count:Number Of Battery Packs in parallel,Multiple battery packs in parallel can further increase the total capacity of the battery system.

  • Battery capacity total:Total Battery Capacity,typically measured in ampere-hours (Ah) or watt-hours (Wh).

  • Cell hard undervoltage: Cell Hardware Undervoltage Protection Voltage,When the cell voltage drops below this value, the hardware triggers a protection mechanism to prevent further discharge.

  • Cell hard overvoltage:Cell Hardware Overvoltage Protection Voltage,When the cell voltage rises above this value, the hardware triggers a protection mechanism to prevent further charging.

  • Cell soft undervoltage:This refers to the software undervoltage protection voltage for each battery cell, which is usually slightly higher than the hardware undervoltage protection voltage. Controlled by software, it is used to prevent over-discharge of the battery.

  • Cell soft overvoltage:This refers to the software overvoltage protection voltage for each battery cell, which is usually slightly lower than the hardware overvoltage protection voltage. Controlled by software, it is used to prevent over-charging of the battery.

  • Cell balance difference:Refers to the voltage difference required to initiate the balancing function between battery cells.

  • Cell balance start voltage: This refers to the voltage at which the balancing function between battery cells is initiated.

  • Cell balance all time: This refers to whether the voltage balancing function between battery cells should be enabled throughout the entire state of the battery.

  • Cell balance interval: This refers to the time interval for executing the voltage balancing function between battery cells.

  • Max allowed current: This refers to the maximum current value allowed by the Battery Management System.

  • Cell monitor type:This refers to the selection of the AFE (Analog Front End) chip model used for battery monitoring.

  • Cell monitor count: This refers to the number of AFE chips used for battery monitoring.

7TEMPERATURE page setting instructions

  • Battery temp discharging max: This refers to the maximum allowable temperature for battery discharge.

  • Battery temp discharging min: This refers to the minimum allowable temperature for battery discharge.

  • Battery temp Charging min: This refers to the maximum allowable temperature for battery charging.

  • BMS temp min: This refers to the minimum allowable temperature for battery charging.

  • Temp sensor per board: This refers to the maximum allowable operating temperature for the BMS.

  • Number of Expansion Board: This refers to the number of external temperature monitoring boards.

  • Temp sens per expansion board:This refers to the number of temperature probes on each temperature monitoring board.

8MODULE page setting instructions


  • Voltage data source: This refers to the selection of the voltage source for BMS detection, which can be from the ADC chip or the AFE

  • Current data source: This refers to the selectable source for current monitoring.

  • Buzzer signal source: This refers to the method of activating the beeper alarm.

  • Timeout discharge retry: This refers to the waiting time for retry after output protection is triggered.

  • Timeout charge retry: This refers to the waiting time for retry after charge protection is triggered.

  • Allow charging during discharge: This refers to whether discharging is allowed while the battery is being charged.

  • External enable opState: This refers to the operational state upon startup when the BMS is externally initiated.

  • Charge enable opState: This refers to the operational state upon startup when the BMS is initiated for charging.

9CAN setting instructions

  • CAN ID: This refers to the setting of the CAN ID.

  • CAN ID style: This refers to the selection of the CAN ID, configurable for different devices such as VESC.

  • Can throughput: This refers to the selection of the CAN bus rate

  • Emit status over CAN:This refers to sending data over the CAN bus

  • Emit status protocol: CAN Bus Protocol Selection